Life Coach for Personal Growth

Life Coach a lifeline:

  1.  A life coach adds a human personal growth specialist to your support team. We are community educators, teachers, private tutors, managers; and generally experienced in life.  Areas of a Perfect Life  is one of our Free Forms and shows some inspiration for life growing topics.
  2. Change and growth are normal experiences of a healthy individual. Life throws us challenges that we come equipped to meet, and transforms us…  Nature’s way, like caterpillar to butterfly; it’s built into our design.
  3. I speak in words of well-being, natural-growth processes, partnership, creative endeavors, self-empowering support, personal success and purpose, and with me, it’s soul sistering feminine spiritual inclusive.

Life-coach-ready to move forward

You’re going through changes, hurts, awakenings, and re-building.  Some life things are ours to do alone. And sometimes, having a trusted, objective, fresh-perspective confidant to talk to, and safely sort your thoughts–one who knows the difference between your work and theirs–inspires renewed confidence and possibilities. 

Some feel alone, isolated–perhaps embarrassed, ashamed, or guilty about their circumstances. Another perspective, an insightful and spirit-lifting person to talk to, helps one see through a different lens and feel better. Where two or three are gathered, magic synergy plays.

As a family member or work colleague, spouse, it might not be your place or appropriate to be their coach.

Start with a Starter Session:

It’s easy and helpful. A Starter Session is an hour to sort things out together. It is not a selling session; it’s a real session, where I’m of service where I can. Everyone gets a clearer sense of direction and feels better after.

Monthly Memberships

Memberships are budget-friendly and include monthly check-in and resource sessions. We know Life keeps moving; we miss noticing our accomplishments. These are built-in pauses to notice; to hear yourself tell someone in your own voice and celebrate accomplishments, and positively move forward. It’s an experience of consciously creating your story. Most love having a monthly check-in and also having me be only a phone call away. (I treat my members like VIPs because they are. Book monthly check-in appointments online. Offered by phone or Zoom video conference.)

I like EASY. Thank you!

Anne Wondra – WonderSpirit